• Caprese Panini


    Makes 1 large panini

    98gBread, Italian, sliced (Pane Turano)
    93gMozzarella, fresh, sliced
    3 leavesbasil, fresh, torn
    1 Tbalsamic vinegar (or reduction)


    1. (Optional) Spray one slice of bread with spray oil and lay it oil side down (see notes)
    2. Layer on the rest of the ingredients
    3. Add the other slice of bread and spray top with oil, if using
    4. Heat in toaster oven, panini press, or George Foreman grill, or press on a dry pan on the stove


    493 Calories


    • If calories aren’t an issue, you can drizzle the outside of the sandwich with olive oil on both sides, or spread with butter instead of using the spray oil
    • You can also drizzle some olive oil on the inside of the sandwich, but I find it’s not necessary
    • If using the toaster oven, it’s fine to take the sandwich out halfway through and press it down a bit.
    • Pane Turano is my bread of choice for paninis, but any nice sourdough bread should work fine. Other breads like ciabatta or foccacia will work, too, but the calorie count will be different.
    Caprese Panini
  • Corn Tortillas


    Recipe adapted from Simply Mamá Cooks


    175gcorn flour, nixtamalized (masa harina)
    1 cupwater, warm


    1. In a bowl, mix together all the dry ingredients
    2. Add warm water, reserving a couple of tablespoons, and begin mixing/kneading the dough
    3. If needed, use the remainder of the water to fully hydrate the dough and form it into a ball; cover in plastic wrap and set aside to hydrate for ~30 minutes
    4. Tear off chunks of dough and form into smaller balls (or weigh out 30g portions for street taco size tortillas)
    5. Preheat tuvva, comal, griddle or dry frying pan on medium high heat
    6. Set dough balls between plastic and shape using tortilla press
    7. Place flattened tortillas onto dry pan and cook a few minutes on each side; if they puff up, press them down with a spatula. Do not overcook
    8. When done, take off heat and immediately cover in aluminum foil; stack tortillas one atop the other


    100g (cooked) = 218 calories


    • Masa Harina is a type of corn flour which uses nixtamalized corn; do not use cornmeal
    • The cornstarch helps keep the tortillas soft, highly recommended
    • Take a sandwich bag, cut off the zip top and slit out the sides so that you have one long plastic sheet; use this to sandiwch your tortilla between on the tortilla press.
    • Steaming the tortillas in aluminum foil helps keep them warm and pliable. Do not skip this step
    • If you do not have a tortilla press, you can just squash the balls of flour with a heavy pot, use a rolling pin, or even just your hands; the press just makes things easier
    Corn Tortillas
  • Waffles


    Recipe adapted from OneShyofaBunch on Allrecipes.com.


    Makes 4 Belgian waffles

    240gflour, all purpose
    100goil, vegetable
    15gbaking powder


    1. mix all the ingredients together in a large bowl
    2. pour batter into waffle iron in batches until all the batter is used up


    1 waffle = 580 calories


    I use this vertical waffle maker, which I bought from Costco for $35 about 5 years ago. Works fabulously and makes big waffles with deep wells. The pour spout on the top makes it easy for kids to help as well, since the risk of burns is reduced.

    Although great plain, see below for serving suggestions.


    • chocolate chips
    • blueberries


    • nutella
    • maple / pancake syrup
    • fresh fruit
    • fresh whipped cream
    • berry compotes, jams, or jellies

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