• Falafel Salad


    Makes 1 serving

    92gcucumber, peeled, diced
    44gtomatoes, diced
    50gsweet kale salad (salad only)


    1. Spread hummus around bottom of low bowl or plate; thin with water to desired consistency (use about a teaspoon at a time)
    2. Crumble falafel on top; layer cucumber and tomatoes
    3. Chop up salad kit and add on top
    4. Mix everything together, scraping the hummus from the bottom in the process


    311 calories


    • I used restaurant falafel, but you could use any that you prefer.


    • add hot sauce; I’d particularly recommend something with a smoky cumin flavor like a red shug/zhug
    • can also add tahini to help increase the moisture and keep it from being too dry; this will significantly increase the calories
    • can add seasonings like sumac, za’atar, or herbs like mint and cilantro
    • can bulk it up with chickpeas, beans, or chicken
    Falafel Salad

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