• Kichri

    Both Instant Pot and stovetop instructions are included. I prefer the IP, as it’s faster and more hands-free.


    2 cupsrice, basmati
    2 cupswater
    1 cupred lentils (masoor dal)
    ¼ cupoil
    1 Tcumin seeds
    1¼ tspsalt, to taste
    ½ tspblack pepper (optional)


    Instant Pot

    1. Wash the rice and lentils (same bowl is fine), soak for up to 30 minutes (soaking is optional)
    2. Place all ingredients in IP, close lid and seal.
    Pressure: High
    Time: 7 minutes
    Release: 10 minutes natural
    1. Fluff rice carefully before serving.


    1. Wash rice and lentils together and add to a heavy-bottomed pot along with the listed amount of water and black pepper
    2. Boil until 80% done (or until there’s just enough water left for “dam,” which is to finish cooking something via steaming)
    3. Add oil and cumin seeds, stir to distribute and set pot to dam/steam
    4. Once finished, fluff rice and serve.


    • Stovetop will generally require double the amount of water vs the instant pot method
    • Increase oil for a more moist kichri (recipe as listed is slightly dry).
    • Pairs really well with achar (spicy pickles packed in oil)
    • Salt is the main flavor component, so make sure it’s adequately salted. Start with 1 tsp per the recipe and adjust to your tastes.

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