• Mint-Infused Sweet Condensed Milk


    Recipe adapted from Serious Eats.


    makes 535g (~19oz) of condensed milk

    170gheavy cream
    ~⅛ tspsalt
    4-5mint sprigs, fresh


    1. wash mint, leaving the leaves on the stem for easy removal at the end; snap off any excess stem length
    2. add all the ingredients to the shallowest pot you have or a straight-sided frying pan
    3. cook on medium heat until sugar is dissolved, then reduce to a simmer and cook down the mixture for ~45 minutes, stirring regularly to avoid burning/scalding
    4. remove mint in the last 15 minutes or so of cooking, or whenever you feel they’ve given up their flavor; better to do this before the mixture really thickens up in the end, so you lose minimal product


    whole recipe (535g): 1,873
    per 100g: 350 calories


    • a wide, shallow vessel will allow for more surface area and quicker evaporation
    • mixture may look like it’s hardly thickening for the first half hour or so, just keep to the instructions, and it will begin to come together in the end
    Mint-Infused Sweet Condensed Milk
  • Marinara Sauce


    Recipe adapted from Budget Bytes.


    makes 4 32oz jars

    106 oztomatoes, whole, peeled
    300gonion, yellow, diced
    2 Tgarlic
    2 Tbalsamic vinegar
    2 Tsugar
    2 Tbasil, dried
    1 Toregano, dried
    1 Tcrushed red pepper
    to tasteblack pepper
    2 tspsalt
    1 tspMSG


    1. add all ingredients to pressure cooker
    2. mash everything up roughly with potato masher, or crush up tomatoes with hands
    Pressure: low
    Time: 30 minutes
    Release: natural
    1. blitz with immersion blender to desired consistency


    • 106oz of whole, peeled tomatoes = 1 giant 10# can from Costco
    • can also add negligible amount of baking soda to cut acidity instead of sugar (untested)
    • can also slow cook for ~8 hours on low
      • after slow cooking, onions don’t necessarily become translucent, still have some raw bite; consider:
        • running on high for 4 hours instead (untested)
        • pressure cooking as above in addition to slow cook
        • sauteing onions in  butter and maybe some olive oil briefly before step 1 (untested)
    Marinara Sauce
  • Brown Sugar

    Basic ratios for making 1 cup of brown sugar.

  • Yogurt


    Makes 3 cups

    3 cupsmilk
    2 Tyogurt

    I use 2 T to be on the safe side, you can get away with using less than that.


    Instant Pot

    1. Pour 1 cup of water in the instant pot, set in the trivet and then place 1 glass jar into the pot.
    2. Fill jar with 3 cups of milk (you can skip step 1 and pour the milk directly into the pot).
    3. Cover jar with foil or some other loose-fitting, heat-proof cover
    Steam: 1 minute
    1. After cycle completes and pot is safe to open, let milk cool to room temp and add yogurt; mix to incorporate.
    2. Shut the lid (no need to seal) and press yogurt button; let incubate for 8 hours (it should begin counting down from 8:00).
    3. Refrigerate


    1. Bring 3 cups of milk to a rolling boil in a medium sauce pot, then turn off the heat and let it cool to room temp.
    2. Pour milk into whatever container it’s meant to set in (old yogurt container, glass jar, etc.). Add 2 T yogurt, mix, and set to incubate in a warm environment (such as the oven with the oven light turned on or a warm area near the stove) for 8 hours.
    3. Refrigerate


    • If yogurt is still a bit runny after 8 hours, let it incubate for longer, up to or exceeding an additional 8 hours. It’ll be fine.
    • Yogurt will set up further while refrigerated.
    • Sugar or some flavorings can be added during incubation, though I’ve never tried this.
    • Yogurt can be used any way store-bought plain yogurt would be.
    • Strain for thicker consistency (“Greek style”).
    • Can add milk powder as a thickener, or heavy cream though I’ve never tried either.
  • Blackening Rub


    Recipe adapted from 101 Cooking for Two.


    2 Tpaprika
    1 Tchili powder*
    1 Tonion powder
    1½ tspsalt
    1 tspblack pepper
    1 tspthyme
    1 tsporegano
    ½ tspgarlic powder
    ¼ tspcayenne
    * this is the chili powder which is a smokey blend of spices often used for Mexican cuisine, NOT a single-pepper powder like cayenne


    1. mix all ingredients together
    2. store in airtight, glass container away from heat and light
  • Burger Sauce


    50grelish, sweet pickle
    15gvinegar, white
    5gblack pepper


    1. mix all ingredients together; refrigerate


    • made using homemade mayo; can use storebought
  • Pizza Sauce


    Recipe from Kalville Free Presss.


    12 oz tomato paste
    1 ½ cupswater
    ½ tsporegano, dried
    ¼ tspbasil, dried
    ¼ tspblack pepper
    ¼ tspsalt
    ¼ tspsugar
    ⅛ tspgarlic powder
    ⅛ tsponion powder
    ⅛ tspMSG


    1. in small bowl: oregano, basil, black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder
    2. add enough water to get everything wet and microwave
    Power: 30%
    Time: 2 minutes
    1. mix spices with tomato paste, water, salt, sugar


    Yields: 990g pizza sauce
    Calories: 485 total; 50 calories per 100g sauce


    This is a Little Caesar’s copycat recipe. It can be used immediately if necessary, but the flavor will be best after it’s been in the fridge for 3-5 days.

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